TMJ: A Walkaround The Process & How Can A Dentist Help?

We make facial gestures like smiling, laughing, chatting, and eating daily without giving them much thought. However, such simple movements could be painful if you have Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ).

Millions of Americans suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) conditions. Jaw discomfort is one of its visible symptoms. However, TMJ can affect your body in various ways that frequently go beyond jaw pain. 

As per dentists in Lubbock, Texas, numerous TMJ dysfunction symptoms can be highly detrimental and interfere with a person’s daily life. This article will examine the disorder’s root causes and potential TMJ cures. Learn more by reading on.

What Is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint, which joins the skull to the lower jawbone, is on either side of your head. These two joints are in charge of all jaw and mouth movements, including chewing, talking, and biting. Since we rely upon those joints for several actions, it may be painful if they’re not working correctly.

The muscles, nerves, and blood vessels that support the TMJ can be affected by stress and misalignment in addition to the joints themselves. As per TMJ specialist Lubbock in TX, discomfort is a common source of headaches, tinnitus, vertigo, neck and upper back pain, numbness, and other symptoms of bodily malfunction.

Symptoms Of TMJ

You can start to see some of the potential symptoms of TMJ dysfunction on your own before you ever make an appointment with a dentist in Lubbock Texas. A diagnosis of TMJ condition may result from one or more of the symptoms listed below. Some of them are:

  • Sensitive jaw muscles
  • Either neck pain or headaches.
  • Crackling sounds as you open and close your mouth
  • Your ear and the surrounding region both hurt.
  • Discomfort during eating or biting

The symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are numerous, and the list above only touches on some of them. Unfortunately, those with TMJ conditions may experience discomfort almost whenever they move their face, which you often do. 

Before having this illness, you were probably unaware of how often your face moves. Contact a TMJ specialist in Lubbock, TX, if it becomes excruciating and urgent.

Common Causes Of TMJ

Some of the more likely causes of the temporomandibular joint disorder include having a mouth full of crooked teeth. Some also include arthritis, clenching, and grinding one’s teeth often enough to interfere with proper jaw alignment. 

Being involved in an accident results in the jaw being dislocated and clenching and grinding one’s teeth excessively enough to put a lot of pressure on the jaw.

Can Regular Dentists Handle TMJ Cases?

The answer is that a general dentist can take care of individuals who have been given a diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disease. A general dentist in Lubbock, Texas, can provide individuals with TMJ discomfort with various treatment choices since they are already familiar with sedation and implant dentistry and how the jaw works. 

If conventional dental treatments for severe TMJ discomfort are unsuccessful, patients may need to be sent to an orthodontist for further care. Three typical procedures that general TMJ specialists in Lubbock TX, utilize to treat individuals with TMJ symptoms are listed below.

Put On A Personalized Dental Device

A personalized dental appliance is usually helpful for dental patients whose TMJ diagnosis is brought on by teeth grinding or clenching. This device, also known as a biting guard or a splint, prevents the patient’s upper teeth from hitting their lower teeth.

Cold And Heat Treatment

To reduce or completely remove their discomfort, patients receiving hot and cold therapy must alternately apply hot and cold packs. In addition, the stiff muscles that frequently cause discomfort can be relaxed by using this sort of TMJ therapy up to four times each day.

Learning Relaxation Skills

TMJ patients can use various relaxation techniques to reduce or eliminate discomfort. This technique directly targets the stiff jaw muscle groups, which can significantly reduce tension and, as a result, lessen jaw discomfort.

Diagnosis For TMJ

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction symptoms are apparent, and skilled medical professionals can identify TMJ rapidly. It may be identified by feeling the range of motion in your jaws and the regions close to the afflicted area.

Dental x-rays can give a general indication of how the temporomandibular joints are doing without being put under any anesthetics. In addition, a thorough picture of the condition of the jaws and bones may be obtained via CT and MRI scans.


The most effective therapy for TMJ is often a lifestyle change and self-care. For example, gum strain can be lessened by consuming well-cooked, soft foods and avoiding chewing gum. On the other hand, over-the-counter medications can ease pain and decrease inflammation. So wait no more and opt for the treatment process today. All the best! 

Trust Lubbock Dentists With Your TMJ!

When opting for a TMJ treatment, you might have confused about the process. However, with trusted experts at Lubbock Dental Care & Orthodontics, you’re at a better place with the treatment process. Visit us today or call us at 806-687-8492.